Evandro Afonso do Nascimento nasceu em Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, em 1948. Ingressou no curso de Engenharia Química da UFMG em 1968 e logo se envolveu com o movimento estudantil (foi presidente do Diretório Central dos Estudantes) e com organizações de luta armada. Perseguido pelos militares, teve que sair do país. Refugiou-se no Chile em julho de 1970. Terminou os estudos de Engenharia Química em 1972, mesmo ano em que se casou com Nízia Maria Alvarenga, de Perdões, MG. Depois de formado, foi contratado pela antiga Universidad Técnica del Estado (atual Universidad de Santiago). Teve oportunidade de acompanhar de perto todo o governo da Unidad Popular até o golpe do general Pinochet (4/11/1970 a 11/9/1973). Depois do golpe, ficou duas semanas à disposição da resistência chilena até se refugiar na embaixada do Panamá. Devido ao stress do golpe de estado, Nízia, grávida, perdeu o primeiro filho. Depois de cinco meses de exílio no Panamá, Evandro dirigiu-se à República Democrática Alemã (RDA). Na RDA conheceu as bondades e maldades do socialismo real. Trabalhou na produção, começou o doutorado e, principalmente, viveu o dia a dia do povo alemão oriental. Teve que interromper o doutorado e foi para Portugal em agosto de 1976. Um mês depois seguiu para a Costa Rica. Nesse país trabalhou um ano e meio em uma indústria americana do setor de alimentos (Baltimore Spice Company de Centro-América Ltda.), e, depois, na Universidad Autónoma de Heredia, como professor visitante. Voltou ao Brasil em abril de 1979, ano da anistia política. Foi contratado em agosto pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, onde trabalha desde então. Em 1984 reiniciou o doutorado no Departamento de Química da UFMG e voltou várias vezes à RDA. Foi pesquisador do CNPq e consultor da FAPESP, FAPEMIG e de várias revistas científicas do país. Tem dezenas de artigos científicos publicados em revistas científicas do Brasil e exterior. No ano de 2000 ganhou o prêmio de Honra ao Mérito Científico do Conselho Regional de Química – 2a Região e de Sociedades de Química de Minas Gerais. Foi membro da Câmara de Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Minas Gerais em 2001-2002. Aposentou-se como professor titular e segue trabalhando no Instituto de Química da UFU, como professor voluntário.
Evandro Afonso do Nascimento was born in Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, in 1948. He entered the Chemical Engineering course of UFMG (State University of Minas Gerais) in 1968 and soon became involved with the student movement (he was chairman of the DCE – Central Directory of Students) and with organizations of armed struggle. Wanted by the repressive forces, he had to leave Brazil. He went to Chile as a refugee in July 1970. He finished his graduation in Chemical Engineering in 1972, the same year he married Nízia Maria Alvarenga from Perdões, MG. After graduating, he was hired by the former Universidad Técnica del Estado as a research assistant of Professor Siegfried Bleisch, under the agreement of technical cooperation between that University and Technical University of Dresden, German Democratic Republic (GDR). In Chile he observed closely all the period of government of Unidad Popular (4/11/1970 to 11/9/1973), until General Pinochet’s coup d’état. After the coup, he joined the Chilean resistance for two weeks, before seeking for shelter in the embassy of Panama. The coup took his first son, for Nízia was pregnant and due to the extreme stress had a miscarriage. After five months of exile in Panama, they went to East Germany, to attend a doctoral program at the Technische Universität Dresden under guidance of Professor Bleisch. In East Germany he learned about the virtues and evils of socialism. There he worked in a factory floor; then he began a doctorate at the Technische Universität Merseburg and lived the daily routine of the East German people for almost three years. He went to Portugal in August 1976 and, one month later, went to Costa Rica, where he worked for one and half year as head of production of a food American industry (Baltimore Spice Company of Centro America). After this, he was hired as a visiting professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Heredia. He returned to Brazil in April 1979, year of the political amnesty. In August 1979 he was hired by Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU, where he has been working since then. In 1984 he began another doctoral qualification in the Department of Chemistry of Federal University of Minas Gerais and returned several times to the GDR. He is a former researcher and consultant of CNPq FAPESP, FAPEMIG and several scientific journals in the country. He also has dozens of scientific papers published in scientific journals both in Brazil and abroad. In 2000 he won the Scientific Merit Award from the Regional Council of Chemistry of Minas Gerais - 2nd Region, and also from Chemical Societies of Minas Gerais. He was a member of the Board of Science and Technology of the State of Minas Gerais from 2001 to 2002. He retired as professor but continues working at the Institute of Chemistry of UFU, as voluntary professor.
Evandro Afonso do Nascimento was born in Divinópolis, Minas Gerais, in 1948. He entered the Chemical Engineering course of UFMG (State University of Minas Gerais) in 1968 and soon became involved with the student movement (he was chairman of the DCE – Central Directory of Students) and with organizations of armed struggle. Wanted by the repressive forces, he had to leave Brazil. He went to Chile as a refugee in July 1970. He finished his graduation in Chemical Engineering in 1972, the same year he married Nízia Maria Alvarenga from Perdões, MG. After graduating, he was hired by the former Universidad Técnica del Estado as a research assistant of Professor Siegfried Bleisch, under the agreement of technical cooperation between that University and Technical University of Dresden, German Democratic Republic (GDR). In Chile he observed closely all the period of government of Unidad Popular (4/11/1970 to 11/9/1973), until General Pinochet’s coup d’état. After the coup, he joined the Chilean resistance for two weeks, before seeking for shelter in the embassy of Panama. The coup took his first son, for Nízia was pregnant and due to the extreme stress had a miscarriage. After five months of exile in Panama, they went to East Germany, to attend a doctoral program at the Technische Universität Dresden under guidance of Professor Bleisch. In East Germany he learned about the virtues and evils of socialism. There he worked in a factory floor; then he began a doctorate at the Technische Universität Merseburg and lived the daily routine of the East German people for almost three years. He went to Portugal in August 1976 and, one month later, went to Costa Rica, where he worked for one and half year as head of production of a food American industry (Baltimore Spice Company of Centro America). After this, he was hired as a visiting professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Heredia. He returned to Brazil in April 1979, year of the political amnesty. In August 1979 he was hired by Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU, where he has been working since then. In 1984 he began another doctoral qualification in the Department of Chemistry of Federal University of Minas Gerais and returned several times to the GDR. He is a former researcher and consultant of CNPq FAPESP, FAPEMIG and several scientific journals in the country. He also has dozens of scientific papers published in scientific journals both in Brazil and abroad. In 2000 he won the Scientific Merit Award from the Regional Council of Chemistry of Minas Gerais - 2nd Region, and also from Chemical Societies of Minas Gerais. He was a member of the Board of Science and Technology of the State of Minas Gerais from 2001 to 2002. He retired as professor but continues working at the Institute of Chemistry of UFU, as voluntary professor.
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