sexta-feira, 9 de julho de 2010

Recollections of Freedom Fight and Exile - Chile, Panama, The German Democratic Republic and Costa Rica

Finalmente saiu a publicação na forma eletrônica pela Amazon Kindle da nova versão de meu livro "Recollections of Freedom Fight and Exile" que em português se chama "Lembranças da Luta Armada e do Exílio", lançada pela Editora Gato Sabido meses atrás. A avalição do consultor da Amazon foi cinco estrelas e diz o seguinte:

Recollections of Freedom Fight and Exile, July 3, 2010
A. C. Pereira (Logan, Utah, USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Recollections of Freedom Fight and Exile (Kindle Edition). This is one of the best books about an important period of History. During the Cold War, most countries of South America sided with the United States and became military dictatorships in order to prevent an unlikely communist revolution. These dictatorships oppressed the people, deprived many citizens of their liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily, tortured prisoners in order to obtain information, and committed crimes against Humanity. Evandro Afonso do Nascimento was one of the popular heroes who tried to overthrow the Brazilian and Chilean dictatorships. The book has many anecdotes and interresting stories; one of my favorite explains how the author has escaped detection by various cunning artifices. Besides a lively account of the guerrilla war against the Brazilian Army and its supporters, the reader will find a very interresting description of life in The German Democratic Republic (Communist Germany). Most analysis of life in The German Democratic Republic comes from people who are against its communist government. Evandro was neither supportive to communism nor irrationally angry at the idea of socialism. Therefore, his experience is worth reading to scholars and laymen alike. Evandro Afonso do Nascimento is an accomplished scientist who discovered many active components of drugs obtained from plants and insects. Among his discoveries, there is an herbicide that a Brazilian weed produces to prevent competion, and an antibiotic and antifungal drug from propolis.

Maiores detalhes podem ser vistos diretamente na página da Amazon:

A capa do livro foi feita pela artista Priscila Pereira de Mello e remonta às passeatas estudantis dos fins do anos 60, até as famigeradas bombas de gás lacrimogênio aparecem. A versão para o inglês coube à Juliana Amaral Alves, Genevieve H. Hutchings e Roger Hutchings. Um agradecimento especial é feito ao amigo e colega da Computação da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Prof. Antônio Eduardo da Costa Machado, e a seu orientado Mauro Jacob Honorato pelo excelente trabalho de formatação do livro nos moldes da Amazon Kindle.
Palavras chave: ditadura, luta armada, movimento estudantil, guerrilha, exílio, socialismo, comunismo, Alemanha Comunista, Alemanha Oriental, democracia
Key words: dictatorship, armed strugle, armed fight, students movement, guerrilla, exile, socialism, communism, The German Democratic Republic, Communistic German, Socialistic German, East German, democracy

Um comentário:

  1. As a friend of Evandro and formerly citizen in German Democratic Republic I can say - this book is very important for those who want to know about rise and fall of communist systems, especially in East Germany.
    Manfred Tyszkiewicz
